Friday, June 27, 2008

SOY 2008

No call from CK for me, so I am feeling a little disappointed but still excited that I am going to CKU in Aug. and will be there for the announcement of the SOY! Congratulations finalists and Good Luck!

Here is my SOY entry and some of my favorite layouts for your viewing and my sharing pleasure.


Kristin said...

Nice job on your entry. I love the contents page. It's hard to pick my favorite. I like all of them!

Unknown said...

What a beautiful job! I am JEALOUS! It takes a ton of time and commitment to apply for SOY and I have wanted to do it for the past 2 years. You might not have gotten the call, but I hope you have 20 layouts you are proud of (what I have seen so far looks great) and you are PROUD OF YOURSELF for getting your entry in!!! Go ahead on put on the tiara today... you EARNED it!

Eileen said...

Hey, thanks for your response at CKMB. Your SOY layout is great. As Tracey said, you should be very proud of yourself! Your layouts have such a "happy" feeling to them!

Allison Rankin said...

Super your paper choices (esp. the "sisters" one since I have a whole slew of that SEI paper that must be used!). Cheers!